The Neighborhood
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Link Me / Affiliates / Miscellaneous / Directories / Communities / Search Engines
This page serves to hopefully inspire more indie/personal web exploration!
I don't necessarily endorse all the contents of these sites; they may or may not contain NSFW or sensitive content.
BONUS: Some thoughts on the importance of linking by Olia Lialina and by Melonking.
Link Me?
First of all, if you'd like to link to my site yourself, here are some image codes you can use!
If you decide to link to my site, please let me know so I can add you to the affiliates section!
Websites of friends and acquaintances that link back to my site in some way.
Other websites that I enjoy.
Places to find more indie/personal websites.
A listing of POC who are in webdev as a profession or as a hobby.
A directory for responsive small and personal websites.
A directory portal for collective domains of site hobbyist mainly animanga/gaming subjects and other genres combined.
A directory of accessible sites.
A listing for cute, pretty, soft, pop and kawaii websites run by adults.
A listing for artists of all kinds on the small web.
A webring and directory for pixel artists all around the world.
Some indie/personal web communities I am a part of that have buttons.
Search Engines
Independent search engines that focus on non-commercial content.